Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Doin' the Mommy thing

This past weekend was full of being lazy, reading stories and baking with my girls. you heard me- baking. I am totally ok with the fact that I can cook, but am not so good at baking, but Emma has other plans for me. After a lot of begging from her, we decided to bake some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies on Saturday afternoon. I must have read the recipe 5 times before I even started; I wanted them to be perfect. So, we mixed butter, flicked flour at each other, and snuck bites of cookie dough...and somehow among all this chaos ended up with scrumptious cookies. I mean, really good cookies.


Our laziness stretched into Monday, as a broken washer (or whatever was wrong. who knows. its fixed now) is the perfect excuse to not do a darn thing all day. We played dress up, and as soon as I pulled my camera out, my girls went into push mommy's buttons mode. Lexi started saying owie whenever my camera is in her vicinity. Emma has resorted to bribing me to take good photos. Wait...I am the mom...shouldn't I decide when/where/if bribing will take place? She said "Mom, if you take me to Java Jungle everyday forever I will smile." I told you she is smart...and very good at getting what she wants. She smiled, and I compromised by telling her maybe grandma will take her :) Sorry, mom- I couldn't resist!

I don't have any new sessions to share, I have not been able to upload from my computer, so here are a few photos of my favorite thing (s) in the world.

Yep, you know it. My girls.

As of lately, this is the look I get while I am behind the camera.

oh, sweet Lexi Lynn

this is my current favorite of Emma.

she is getting braver...trying to run!

and this. This is perfect.

"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." -Lin Yutang


Dianebee said...

love the picture of the girls chatting. so sweet and natural.

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© Melissa LaRue Photography
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