Thursday, November 4, 2010

{Lucky Girl}

Cozied up in bed, watching my weekly dose of TV, I can't stop thinking of one annoying thing that happened yesterday. I took the girls to the grocery store to grab a few things yesterday evening. Probably a mistake on my end, it was the end of the day; and we all know a toddler and preschooler at the grocery store is challenging enough, right?

 After fighting Emma all through the aisles about not getting every single thing, we made it to the checkout. We got in line, and there was a charming older lady in the lane next to us. Emma immediatley said Hi, and introduced herself. (She does this with everyone. The girl has never met a stranger!) The lady proceeded to tell me what a handsome little boy I have. She even went as far as telling me 'he' reminded her so much of her son. Umm...ok. The pink and purple coat didn't give it away? Or the pink shoes? Or the fact that Emma said this is my SISTER? On a normal day, I probably would have let it slide, and not get annoyed by it. I know Lexi has virtually no hair. But this lady was the fifth, yes FIFTH person to comment on my little boy.

Annoyed and frustrated already, I arranged my groceries on the belt, and patiently waited for the ever-so-slow cashier ring me up. Swipe my debit card. Declined, insufficent funds. Hmm...I asked him to run it again. Declined again. I called my bank, and verified that I had more than enough to cover my groceries. I was almost in tears. I felt like every person in the store was looking at me with those poor, pitiful, I feel so sorry for you looks. So, I asked them to hold onto my cart and I would run to the bank to withdraw the money. It all worked out, and I arrived home about 45 minutes later with two frustrated, hungry kids.

As I am writing this, it doesn't seem so bad. I guess if that was the worst part of my day, I am a pretty lucky girl, right?

Onto more cheerful things...I am loving the routine we have settled into since Emma started school. I love that I get to spend my afternoons with Lexi, and she gets one on one attention from me. I love Emma's teachers, and I love even more how much Emma loves them. When Emma gets home, we eat dinner, have story time, do bathes, more stories, and most nights for the past month they are in bed around 7. Lovely. Since this is my photography are a few snapshots I took of the girls tonight after bathtime.

i love how Lexi is looking at Emma in this one. 

such a Lexi face. Her cheesy face :) 

hair or no baby's got some b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. eyes!!

On Tuesday evening I met up with a good friend of mine to take some photos of her little boy. I shot her wedding over the summer, and I still can't get over how adorable her son is. I can tell he has such a gentle soul as well. He is a very inqusitive, smart kid. And his eyes...they are just stunning. Go ahead...see for yourself...

told ya...

isn't his pumpkin hat perfect for fall? 

Doesn't he look like he belongs on the cover of Parenting magazine? I think so! 

So there you have it, a little dose of what makes me happy, and what gets under my skin a little bit :)

Don't forget that tomorrow is your last day to enter for your chance to win a free session with me! I am going to make it a little interesting...

If you direct someone to my blog, and they leave me a comment, I will put your name in the drawing TWICE! Yep, that means you have a bigger chance to win your session! Make sure your friends let me know who sent them my way :)

I'm heading to bed feeling like a very lucky girl!


Unknown said...

Your photos are amazing Melissa I will have to have you do some photos of me and the kids next spring summer. lindsay meganck- gulick

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